Vancouver, WA - January 2016

Information from a workshop held in Vancouver, WA, on January 6, 2017.

This workshop, held in Vancouver, WA, on January 6, 2016, explored:

  • The basics and the benefits of Safe Routes to School: all the E’s of a comprehensive Safe Routes to School program, how the program benefits your community, and how to get started.
  • The WSDOT grants for bike, pedestrian, and Safe Routes to School engineering projects (opening for new applications in early 2016) and other funding opportunities available now, including amount of funding available and project application requirements.
  • Partnerships needed to build a successful program, and how to determine what improvements are needed to develop your community’s own Safe Routes to School strategy.


Kari Schlosshauer, Safe Routes Partnership (PDF)

Teresa Frizell, Feet First (PDF)

Charlotte Claybrooke, WSDOT (PDF)

Small-group worksheet

This worksheet can be used as a starting point for some of the information you should gather in the process of putting your project proposal together for the WA Call for Projects.

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