The Walk and Bike Safely curriculum is designed specifically for use by teachers and volunteers working with adult immigrants who are beginning English language learners. It consists of a teacher's guide, a student workbook, and two audio segments.
In honor of Bike Month, this webinar brings three perspectives on how to help families bicycle together: Family Biking Workshops and classes for all stages of family biking; Parent/youth summer programming with bike share; and Open Streets events.
People everywhere want access to safe and affordable recreational spaces. With shared use, public and private property owners can open underutilized facilities for community use.
School campuses should welcome children whether they arrive on foot, by bike, bus, or car. Too often, a student walking to school is confronted with traffic congestion, unsafe crossings and a circuitous route to the front door. This guide summarizes best practices for planning and designing K-12 school campuses that encourage walking.
This infographic highlights the health and community benefits of Safe Routes to School.
Storify archived tweets from #MoveEquity tweetchat with @SafeRoutesNow, @GirlTrek, @preventioninst, @LACBC
A literature review on the effect of electronic device use on pedestrian safety.
This newly released reference for non-engineers, is intended for highway safety professionals, including State Highway Safety Officials, as well as their partners and grantees, as a reference for an integrated and comprehensive effort to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and support broader transportation-related goals.
We’ve developed state report cards which provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, and physical activity for children and adults as of 2016.
Physical activity is a fundamental building block for good health, and states have a crucial role in promoting it. States’ actions are essential – enacting laws and policies to support active, healthy lifestyles, devoting staff and planning efforts to physical activity, and ensuring adequate funding for walking, bicycling, and physical activity.
Looking for more information or support for Safe Routes to School in Washington state? Join the Safe Routes to School Action Network.
Storify archive of tweets from #MoveEquity tweetchat with @SafeRoutesNow, @NAACP, @kaboom, @PHAnews, @AL_Research, @Salud_Today, @BikeWalk, @Voices4HK, @greenlaneproj, @betterbikeshare, @streetsblog, @nationalaction
This online resource is created to explore shared use agreements in the school setting. The resource currently focuses on work in Mississippi, Minnesota and Massachusetts.
In this study, we attempt to estimate the impact of SUA adoption on school district expenditures.
Looking for more information or support for Safe Routes to School in Oregon? Join the Oregon Safe Routes to School Network!
An estimated 2,368 pedestrians were killed in the first half of 2015, an increase of 10% over the same time period the prior year. The preliminary 2015 data were provided by GHSA's member State Highway Safety Office members.
DC has the 9th highest childhood obesity rate in the United States. Shared Use is an avenue to address childhood obesity by increasing opportunities for physical activity in every community.
This brief examines how likely children and teenagers younger than age 18 live in communities that have adopted shared use agreements in the form of resolutions, ordinances, or formal agreements, and the partnerships involved with those agreements.
This webinar discusses the opportunities and challenges to advancing Safe Routes to School in tribal communities.