Active Transportation Reports

Active Transportation: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
Toolkit, Video, Laws and Policies
Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Law Enforcement Training

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed videos and training resources on bicyle and pedestrian safety for law enforcement. 

The Safe Routes Partnership’s 2011-2015 Strategic Plan

The Safe Routes Partnership's 2011-2015 final Strategic Plan was adopted by our Steering Committee on November 3, 2010. A sincere thank you goes out to the nearly 1,000 people who were interviewed, completed a survey, attended our annual meeting and/or provided written comments on the draft strategic plan. 

Report, Research
Child Pedestrian Safety Education

This report scientifically reviews the literature on child pedestrian education and discusses possible child pedestrian safety programs that could be more effective in keeping child pedestrians safe.

Transportation and the New Generation:

This report summarizes research describing trends in transportation among millenials

The Transportation Planning Process

This book provides government officials, transportation decisionmakers, planning board members, and transportation service providers with an overview of transportation planning. It contains a basic understanding of key concepts in statewide and metropolitan transportation planning, along with references for additional information.

Transportation and Health:

The Partnership for Prevention has collaborated with the Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) at UC Berkeley, Booz Allen Hamilton, and the CDC to produce Transportation and Health: Policy Interventions for Safer, Healthier People and Communities. 

Understanding Barriers to Bicycling Project

This report describes a study of barriers to bicycling among low-income communities and communities of color and opportunities to increase bicycling among these communities.

Toolkit, Report, Case Study
Steps to a Walkable Community – Part I

Steps to a Walkable Community compilesmultidisciplinary tactics that readers can assemble into customstrategies designed for their community’s circumstances. The guidecontains tactics for building or rebuilding cities and suburbs in ways thatencourage walking.

Advancing a Multimodal Transportation System by Eliminating Funding Restrictions

While the overwhelming majority of driving occurs within metropolitan areas, many large urban highways and arterial roads cost substantially more money to maintain than they generate in fuel taxes.

Transportation Enhancements & Alternatives Spending Report

 This report provides insight into how Transportation Enhancement and Transportation Alternative funds are being used at the national and state levels. The report is a tool for agency staff, policymakers, professionals, and citizens who want to understand how federal fund- ing shapes America’s transportation system and its communities.