Online Open House: Washington State Active Transportation Plan

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is talking to people across the state about walking, biking and rolling, and wants to hear your ideas about how they can improve active transportation.
Your input about changes needed to support safe, comfortable travels helps to update the State Active Transportation Plan.

2019 SRTS Funding in Oregon


ODOT is gearing up for the next round of SRTS funding, including the Non-Infrastructure, Rapid Response and Project Identification Programs. The Non-Infrastructure Program opens in April, with about $500,000/yr available for the 3-year grant cycle, and can help fund education, encouragement and enforcement programs. About $1.8M is available for the Rapid Response Program, for projects that simply cannot wait for the 2021 competition. More details are expected soon on the Project ID Program.

Get Involved! Salem-Keizer Active Transportation Network (ATN) gears up for second meeting - August 30th

The Salem-Keizer Active Transportation Network (ATN) serves as an informational hub for community-based organizations and public agencies in the region to share information on best practices and upcoming funding competitions, and to engage in increasing active transportation investments and policy. Our second meeting is scheduled for August 30th 2 - 4 PM, and will be hosted at Cherriots in Downtown Salem: 555 Court St. NE Salem in the "Senator Hearing Room."

Get Involved in our PNW Active Transportation Networks!

The National Partnership facilitates regional active transportation networks (ATNs) in several locations with regular meetings. These ATNs serve as an informational hub for community based organizations and public agencies to share information on best practices and upcoming funding competitions, and to engage in increasing active transportation investments and policy. Join us!

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest