Starting in 2019, Metro will offer grants to support existing and new efforts in the region’s schools aimed at educating children to walk, bike or roll safely to school.

Metro's Regional Travel Options (RTO) Grants will open on January 1, 2019. RTO/SRTS funds are available as three-year grants and are prioritized to support travel options work in Title 1 schools or schools with high impact scores identified in the Regional SRTS Framework. Applications should indicate if these schools are included in the proposed project or program.
Eligible activities in this funding category are:
- Direct funding to school districts, jurisdictions or non-profit partners which supports community-based activities that connect youth to education and encouragement opportunities related to school travel
- Staff time and resources needed to conduct education and encouragement activities
- Innovative or early-stage concepts such as new technologies, new partners, or project ideas with a high potential equity impact technologies for shifting school commute modes
Funding: Estimated $900,000 available (over three years), with a required match of 10.27% (cash or in-kind services). Minimum and maximum grant award amount is not yet determined, pending further outreach with regional SRTS partners and ODOT to determine how best to coordinate and leverage all available sources of funding.
Read more about the Metro RTO/SRTS Program Grants
Download the 2019-2022 Grant Application Handbook (PDF)
The METRO Safe Routes to School application process opens January 1st, 2019. Complete applications are due by March 31st, 2019. Grants begin July 1st, 2019 and end June 30th, 2022.