San Francisco Bay Area

California Legislature Passes Transportation Funding Package Including $1 Billion for ATP

Yesterday the California Senate and Assembly passed the long-gestating transportation funding package after a long debate. Senate Bill 1 will provide 10 years worth of funding for transportation improvements across the state, including $1 billion in new funding for the Active Transportation Program.

Apply Today for Free Technical Assistance on Active Transportation Projects in California!

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday December 15 at 5:00 p.m. PT
(accepted on a rolling basis until then) 

Application Form Available Here

If you are working in California to make streets safer or to increase access to schools and parks so that children and families in your community can have more opportunities for physical activity – we can help!

Active Transportation Program: New Application Types for the Next Cycle

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has begun public workshops for public feedback on guidelines and applications for Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program (ATP). As of this week, three have been held: in Sacramento, Chico and Los Angeles. Safe Routes Partnership staff participated in the Sacramento and Los Angeles workshops, and will also participate in Tuesday’s ATP Technical Advisory Committee webinar to review the draft applications.

Plan Bay Area Update Advances as Advocates Weigh In

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) at a joint planning and administrative committee meeting advanced a preferred land use scenario toward the development of Plan Bay Area 2040. The Preferred Scenario represents a regional pattern of household and employment growth by the year 2040, and includes a corresponding transportation investment strategy.

Youth for the Environment and Sustainability (YES) Conference

Some 500 junior high and high school students from around the region swarmed the Bay Area Metro Center in February for the fourth annual YES Conference. Teen activists presented to their peers on such topics as “Proving That Climate Change Is Not a Hoax” and “Go Away, Throwaway,” to inspire participants to be environmental leaders in their schools and communities.

MTC & Fresno COG Announce Regional ATP Awards

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) announced its regional ATP award list. MTC received 61 applications totaling about $166 million in response to the Regional ATP Call for Projects. Staff recommends fully funding 13 projects and partially funding one project for a total of $22.2 million. Of the 14 projects, 7 are Safe Routes to School-related, and 9 are under $1 million. 94% of funds benefit communities of concern. 79% of funds benefit SRTS-related projects.

Asking the Bay Area to Do Better on Active Transportation

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) unanimously approved adjustments to Plan Bay Area 2040 and the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) at a joint meeting on Wednesday, July 26. Plan Bay Area 2040 is a long-range plan to guide transportation investment and land-use decisions through 2040, while accommodating future population growth and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with SB 375.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California