Inland Valleys

SoCal News: A Surprise Victory for Better Air Quality in the Region

The Safe Routes Partnership has been working with environmental justice groups, including the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice to raise awareness about the impact of freight and warehouses on the pollution levels and traffic safety of schools and neighborhoods throughout the Inland Empire and Southern California.

Pushing for Climate Investments

In early May, California Senior Policy Manager Jonathan Matz joined our partners in the Sustainable Communities for All coalition (SC4A) in Sacramento to lobby state lawmakers for an equitable portfolio of investments from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). Among the programs SC4A would like to see funded from the GGRF this year are Urban Forestry and Urban Greening; the Low Income Home Weatherization Program; and transit passes for K-14 students in public education institutions.

Active Transportation Program Applications Available This Week!

The Call for Projects for Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program (ATP) is set for May 16, with applications due by July 31.  Until they are released, the latest draft applications and guidelines are available at  New this year are separate applications for different project types and more detailed questions concerning local health disparities.

Listen in to the Final ATP Applications Workshop

The California Transportation Commission has announced another (likely final) workshop on the applications and guidelines for Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program on Tuesday April 17 in Sacramento. The workshop will also cover SB 1 accountability guidelines. Please see the meeting announcement with full details including how to participate remotely here.

Balancing California School Start Times and Walking and Biking Safety

In recent months, the Safe Routes Partnership has solicited input from constituents throughout California about the potential impact of SB 328, which would require middle and high schools to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m.  We received input from stakeholders on all sides of the legislation and have done some careful research and consideration of the issues.

Youth Leaders Engage Legislator in Muscoy

Last month, a group of youth and community residents initiated a meeting with Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes of the 47th District in San Bernardino County. Youth representatives from the group Soar IE envisioned an initiative for safer sidewalks around neighborhood schools in Muscoy. Muscoy is unincorporated area of San Bernardino that has a CalEnviroScreen pollution burden profile of 96-100%, is low-income, and the population is 82 percent Latinx.

CARB Approves Minimal Increase to GHG Reduction Goals

On March 23rd, the California Air Resources Board held a board meeting in the City of Riverside. A key agenda item was a vote on setting regional goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets as mandated by SB 375. Advocates hoped that SB 375 would encourage regional governments to coordinate land use and transportation planning efforts to curb GHG emission from driving. The board heard testimonial presentations from all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), who must implement the targets at the regional level.

SCAG requests feedback on its Public Participation Plan before April 21st

On February 21st, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)  released a draft of their Public Participation Plan and is currently soliciting feedback until April 21st. SCAG is responsible for developing plans like the Regional Transportation Plan Sustainable Communities Strategies and the Public Participation Plan is a critical guide for how SCAG will interact and gather input from public stakeholders The updated plan includes practices and methods fo

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California