The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) has released the draft Connect SoCal 2020-2040, which is the regional transportation plan and sustainable communities strategy. SCAG conducted a series of outreach events, including partnering with community based organizations, including the National Partnership, to solicit feedback on potential priorities for the plan. The various appendices and text included in the draft Connect SoCal report provide insight on active transportation, environmental justice, transit, and housing regional policy recommendations. The entire report is available on their site and will be open for public comment until January 24th. SCAG will also have public hearings and elected official briefings in mid-December and early January. Safe Routes Partnership is currently reviewing the reports and is consulting with partners.  We will have a series of comments that will in particular request stronger investments in active transportation and environmental justice policy efforts, particularly in the Inland Empire. If you or your organization is interested in learning more about our comments on Connect SoCal, contributing your own thoughts, or signing onto our comments (which will be ready for review in January), please email

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California