Lake Elsinore crosswalkThe Safe Routes Partnership is working with a team of consultants and community organizations to put on Go Human pop up transportation demonstration projects and open streets events throughout Inland Empire. The Southern California Association of Governments sponsors and funds these events. The latest event was held in Lake Elsinore, which is in Riverside County, in conjunction with the community’s Dia de los Muertos celebration. Community members of all ages were able to try out and provide feedback on a two-way protected bike lane, parklets, and artistic crosswalks.

Kids had the chance to learn about safe bicycling in a bike skills course and show off their decorated bikes and helmets in a bike parade. This hands-on, fun event captured input from community members who might not have been engaged otherwise--72% of people surveyed at the event had never before attended a city meeting or workshop related to transportation. Next steps for Lake Elsinore: the City is developing an active transportation plan and input from this event will help define the vision and recommendations in the plan.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California