Please join us at the May 30 Walking & Biking Summit in Fresno to build your capacity to organize resident-led walking and biking groups and to use these groups to inform traffic safety improvements in your neighborhood. There will also be a workshop about how Safe Routes to School can make walking and biking to and from school safer, convenient, and fun. Together with other community members, parents, city representatives and school staff, attendees will identify barriers to walking and biking and opportunities for improvements, and will leave the workshop ready to work with other community partners in Fresno. The summit is on May 30, 2018 from 8:30am to 2pm at the Piccadilly Inn Airport in Fresno. Sign up today at!  The summit is presented by Cultiva la Salud, California Walks, the Safe Routes Partnership, and Berkeley SafeTREC with funding provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California