Los Angeles County Keeps Rolling on Measure M Implementation

The Metro Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) reconvened in September to begin work on series of administrative procedures for the big Los Angeles County transportation funding mechanism, Measure M. First up is the $10 billion available through the Multi-Year Subregional Programs (MSPs). The PAC is tasked with creating rules to guide the work of the regional Councils of Governments (COGs), who will create 5-year project lists to advance their communities’ transportation priorities through the MSP funding. These guidelines are due to be finalized in December. For more information, read thisrecap from our partners at Investing in Place’s recent #COGforum and access their newCOG Resource Manual. The guide describes the MSPs and the role of COGs in implementation, and more importantly, how we can ensure that complete streets, active transportation, and street and highway improvements that improve safety are prioritized. The PAC will meet next on October 3 from 1:30-3:30 atSCAG headquarters.


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