Success in Cherokee Nation

Cherokee Nation Public Health works with 14 counties in tribal jurisdictions in northeastern Oklahoma. A community transformation grant from the CDC allowed their work to expand into Safe Routes to School roughly five years ago, laid out specifically as an objective in their community work plan. They work with local community coalitions to align their work plans, keeping Safe Routes to School part of the conversation at all levels where they are involved. They have also been able to introduce SRTS into rural areas that have infrastructure challenges due to access issues.

Automated Vehicles: Back to the Future

When I was growing up, I thought we’d all be zooming around the skies, by now, in our automated bubble vehicles - like the Jetsons. Turns out, I wasn’t too far off.

Though not for flying around in the blue yonder, automated vehicles (AV) are in our very, very near future. Already, there are actual demonstration AVs on public roads - can you imagine a car or bus without a steering wheel? Vehicles like these are being tested now.

Planning for Madera County's Active Future

The Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) is currently preparing an Active Transportation Plan for Madera County.  The plan will provide recommendations to assist in the planning and delivery of cycling and walking infrastructure in the years to come.  MCTC have prepared a couple ways to provide initial feedback to shape this process:

Complete the Active Transportation Plan Stakeholder Survey by visiting:

Southern California Sets the State for Future Planning

The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is beginning to gather information needed for the development of the 2020 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).  The RTP/SCS is a long-term planning framework to coordinate regional transportation, climate, and land use issues. Advocates from non-governmental organizations such as the Safe Routes Partnership play a role in providing input on specific issue areas that will help our region achieve better outcomes.

Regional Active Transportation Planning – a Portland Metro Case Study

kariThe Portland, Oregon region, in many regards, is ahead of the curve when it comes to active transportation. The “Bike Bill” (ORS 366.514), passed more than 40 years ago by the Oregon Legislature in 1971, requires the inclusion of facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists wherever a road, street or highway is built or rebuilt.