children walking in crosswalk with crossing guard

When kids walk to school, they improve their health, gain independence and confidence, and arrive at school ready to learn. A Walk to School Day event is a simple starting place for getting students started safely walking to school, and introducing schools, families, and community groups to Safe Routes to School.

Walk to School Day is an international event celebrated in October each year. Thousands of communities join in with fun and safe Walk to School Day events that get families, teachers, city staff, and community members walking together, while educating children and families about the benefits of walking. In the United States, more than 5,000 schools participate, with hundreds more joining each year.

Why host a Walk to School Day event?

  • If you don’t have many existing efforts to encourage students to walk to school, Walk to School Day is a fun and easy way to explore interest, build enthusiasm, and get started.
  • If your school or community has a thriving Safe Routes to School program, Walk to School Day is a great energizing event, letting you connect your efforts with those of other students around the state, country, and world. 
Three Actions to Take Between Now and October 10
This handout includes tips and info for planning a successful Walk to School Day event.
Step By Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus At Your School
This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start. 
Check out this blog post for inspiration on changing up the commute to school on the Every Body Walk! blog.