
On Wednesday, November 30th from 11 am to noon Mountain, the Colorado Department of Transportation is hosting a free webinar presented by the Safe Routes Partnership.

Safe Routes to School is not just a big city or suburb thing. Small towns and rural communities can successfully implement Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects too. Join this webinar to hear an inspiring Safe Routes story from Center, Colorado. Learn how this small, rural town got their active transportation projects funded through persistence, partnership, and a whole lot of patience!

Featured Speakers:

  • Kori Johnson, Program & Engagement Manager, Safe Routes Partnership
  • Katrina Ruggles, Counselor, Center Consolidated Schools
  • Brian Lujan, Town Manager, Town of Center
  • David Mehaffie, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer/Public Works Director, Town of Center

This webinar is part of a series of free webinars provided by the Colorado Department of Transportation and presented by the Safe Routes Partnership.

white projector screen logo on red background with words webinar
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