From Preparing Applications to Informing Programs: Exploring New Data and Evaluation Tools

Tuesday, September 10th, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MT

All Safe Routes to School programs benefit from evaluation. Thoughtful data collection and analysis helps communities to identify issues, appropriate strategies to address those issues, set goals, and determine results. Data collected can further influence funding by providing a fuller picture of community needs and prospective projects. 

In our upcoming September webinar, we will delve into tools to support your funding applications and existing programs. The one-hour session will include an overview of Colorado’s EnviroScreen, an interactive environmental justice mapping and health screening tool developed for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). This dynamic resource enables users to identify areas with current and past environmental inequities, pinpoint areas where disproportionately impacted communities have a greater health burden and/or face more environmental risks and identify geographic areas that meet the definition of disproportionately impacted communities under Colorado law. 

Additionally, given the closure of the National Safe Routes to School Data System, we will be discussing new means of recording student travel tallies and parent surveys. This data is a required component for Colorado Safe Routes to School grant applications. All those interested in submitting applications for our upcoming Colorado Safe Routes to grant cycle, join us as we share our suggestions to help you prepare your best submission!

*Note:  While this webinar is designed to give an overview of tools available for evaluation within your program, special attention will be given to attendees preparing a Colorado Safe Routes to School FY 25 Application.   

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