
In too many neighborhoods, local stores carry no fresh produce or other healthy options, but getting to healthy foods is dangerous and inconvenient due to unsafe walking conditions and lack of access to public transit or private vehicles.

Almost 20 percent of people in the United States experience significant transportation barriers to accessing healthy foods. Cities, towns, and counties have a variety of policies and strategies available to help overcome those transportation barriers by promoting walkable, bikeable, transit-accessible food access. This webinar will share policies and strategies that take into consideration the route, travel mode, and the destination to improve safe, convenient, active transportation to healthy food options, a concept known as Safe Routes to Healthy Food. The webinar will feature communities sharing the policies and plans they have put into place to create or strengthen the transportation connections between neighborhoods and grocery stores.

Join us on March 22 at 12pm PT/3pm ET

  • Mike Zelek, Division Director, Health Promotion and Policy, Chatham County Public Health Department
  • Barb Mee, Transportation Planner, City of Asheville, NC
  • Marisa Jones, Healthy Communities Senior Manager, Safe Routes Partnership
From Pedal to Plate: Policies to Improve Walkable, Bikeable Healthy Food Access
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