
We are hosting Zoom calls on October 15 (FULL) and October 22 to discuss what it means for your program to drop Enforcement from the 6 E's of Safe Routes to School.

Since the Safe Routes Partnership announced we were dropping Enforcement as one of the 6 E’s of the Safe Routes to School framework earlier this year, we’ve seen discussions about this important change on the listserve and social media and heard directly from many people via email and phone. To help answer questions and facilitate dialogue about what removing Enforcement from the 6 E’s means for local, regional, and state Safe Routes to School programs, we will be holding a Zoom call on October 15 (note: FULL) and October 22.

During this call, we’ll give a brief presentation, then break into small groups where you will be able to converse with each other about how your program interacts with law enforcement, steps you’ve taken or plan to take to remove enforcement from program activities, challenges you may be facing, and questions you have.

Note: The October 15 call is full. There is still space to join the discussion on October 22 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

Please only register for ONE meeting. Thank you!

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