SRTS reports and more

Safe Routes to School: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
Bicycle Safety Activity Kit

NHTSA has put together this Bicycle Safety Activity Kitto provide parents, caregivers, teachers, community leaders, and children with tools to learn the important basics about bicycle safety. This kit can be used in school or community bicycle safety programs or in conjunction with Safe Routes to School programs. 

Rural Communities:

Safe Routes to School programs can succeed in rural areas. But ensuring that schoolchildren can get the benefits of walking and bicycling to school in rural communities requires dealing with some challenges and barriers that may be different than in other areas.

How States are Adapting to a New Legislative Framework

Two years ago, Congress made major modifications to the federal Safe Routes to School program. While those changes are still being rolled out by state departments of transportation, it is time to examine how different states have adapted to those changes and how the changes have impacted the availability of Safe Routes to School funds. 

Evaluation, Report, Research
Demonstration of Promising Practices to Increase Proper Bicycle Helmet Use in Middle School Youth

This report summarized findings and lessons learned to increase proper bicycle helmet use among middle school students, based on an 8 week peer-based program. 

Evaluation, Report, Research
Demonstration of Promising Practices to Increase Proper Bicycle Helmet Use in Middle School Youth

This report summarized findings and lessons learned to increase proper bicycle helmet use among middle school students, based on an 8 week peer-based program. 

Buses, Boots and Bicycles:

Student transportation departments have the potential to focus on more than just busing students to school. 

Toolkit, Website
Role for Law Enforcement

This web-based resource offers law enforcement officers tips, tools, and resources for supporting Safe Routes to School efforts and overall pedestrian bicycle safety efforts geared for use at the community level.

Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum

The Child Pedestrian Safety Curriculum teaches and encourages pedestrian safety for students grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade. It is organized into five lessons: walking near traffic, crossing streets, crossing intersections, parking lot safety, and school bus safety. Each lesson builds upon previous set of skills learned.


Bikeology is a ready-to-use bicycle-safety curriculum for physical education teachers and recreation specialists working with students in grades 6-12. 

Report, Research
Bicycle Safety Education for Children from a Developmental and Learning Perspective

This research is a companion to Applying Learning and Developmental Theories to Develop Safe Street-Crossing Behavior.  It includes a literature review of the developmental capacities of children ages 5 to 16 and associated learning theories, and discusses how this relates to teaching children how to ride bicycles safely.