Safe Routes to School

States Buckle Down on Spending TAP; Some States Risk Losing Funds

Each quarter, we take a look at state progress with implementing the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). For the quarter covering April to June 2018, states obligated nearly $131 million in TAP funding, with all states except for three making forward progress. (Obligation means that the state DOT has committed funding to a local TAP project and is a key step towards actually getting the project built or implemented.)

Families Belong Together

As an organization that is devoted to healthy kids and healthy places, we have been appalled by the intentional separation of children from their families at our country’s southern border and the ongoing mass detention of migrant families.

SRTS Entwined in the Fiber of School Experience in Los Angeles

Safe Routes to School has been a formal program through the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) since 2012 when the city council adopted a strategic plan and a Pedestrian Coordinator position was brought into the department. That role has now evolved into a singular SRTS coordinator.  In recent years, the program has been built on a model that is grounded in a close relationship with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).