Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes Success in Kauai Community

The Problem

Kamali’i is a dead-end street in the rear of Kilauea School in Kauai, Hawaii. Although “No School Drop Off” signs are posted clearly on the gate and reiterated through newsletters, personal requests, and various other methods, parents still drop off their children at the back of the school. The issue is that there is no place to safely turn around so cars must backup down the street. It causes chaos, congestion, and unsafe situations for children trying to walk or bike safely to school as well as residents of the street.

New Year, New Congress: Our Resolutions for Federal Policy for Walking, Bicycling, and Safe Routes to School

It’s a new year, and it ushers in a host of new beginnings: the 117th Congress, the Biden Administration, and hopefully an end in sight to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. As people all around the world make New Year’s resolutions to improve themselves, we would like to share what we have resolved to work toward on the federal policy front this year.

Guest Blog Post: Advocating for a Walkable Community through the YMCA's Safe Routes to School Student Ambassador Program

Matthew Tobin is a sophomore student in Blauvelt, New York who recently completed the YMCA's Safe Routes to School Student Ambassador Program. Matthew's project focused on improving the walking paths around his high school and starting a local chapter for Safe Routes to School. He wrote this blog post sharing his reflections about the experience.