This paper investigates pedestrian exposure to traffic emissions at the Marylebone Road–Gloucester Place intersection in central London, taking a particular interest in the peak exposures occurring within minutes.

  • The approach is based on the large eddy simulation modeling methodology, which enables high spatial resolution of air movements and pollutant concentrations to be achieved at relatively moderate computational cost.
  • The results show the complexity of the air flows in the vicinity of the intersection at pedestrian height and the large variability of peak exposures due to the turbulent air flows.
  • The large variability of peak exposures is found due to the turbulent air flows.
  • Inter-trip variability explains residual variability in journey exposure analyses.

Wang, H., R. N. Colvile, et al. (2011). “Understanding peak pedestrian exposures due to traffic emissions within the urban environment.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 16(5): 392-401.

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