Key takeaway:

  • This newly developed resource identifies the most dangerous intersections in New York City and provides data about pedestrian collisions in the city on a heat map.
  • It encourages and allows people to report pedestrian collisions on Twitter and/or submit safety concerns to the Department of Transportation to guide forthcoming street interventions to enhance safety. This data set provides an opportunity to examine how policies to promote traffic safety affect pedestrian crashes.    


  • There are eight sections of this resource:
    • Pedestrian collisions at a glance
    • Pedestrian collisions
    • Top 10 worst intersections
    • Total collisions by speed limit
    • Collision trends by time of day / day of week
    • Collision trends by age / gender
    • Collision trends by type of vehicle
    • Collision trends by contributing factors
    • Users also have the options to report a collision on Twitter and/or submit a safety concern to the Department of Transportation
    • The total number of pedestrian collisions in New York City (year to date) is 9,363.
    • Currently, the most dangerous intersection in New York City is in Chinatown in Manhattan at Canal and Mott Street.
    • After New York City lowered the speed limit to 25 miles per hour in late 2014 to reduce traffic collision deaths, the number of pedestrian incidents dropped in all five boroughs within the first three months of 2015.
    • Brooklyn had the highest number of pedestrian collisions during the first quarter of 2015, averaging 235 per month.
    • Pedestrian collisions in New York happen more frequently when more people are on the street. The rush hour collision trend is most pronounced in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens.
    • Throughout the city, males were generally more likely to be victims of pedestrian collisions than women in recent years. However, elderly women were the most vulnerable to pedestrian collisions.
    • Cars are most commonly involved in pedestrian collisions in all five boroughs. In Manhattan, the taxicab-pedestrian collision rate is highest.
    • Throughout the city, the main factors contributing to pedestrian collisions are distracted driving and failure to yield the right of way.


  • Data about pedestrian collisions was pulled from NYC Open Data, which can be found directly under the heat map.

NYCrosswalk: The Ultimate Guide to Walking Safely in the Big Apple. (2017).

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