​​Safe Routes Partnership E-News
Issue #206: May 2023

Safe Routes Partnership E-News is a monthly email newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

  1. New Resource: Walking, Riding, and Rolling for a New Generation: How to Partner with Youth on Safe Routes Projects
  2. Creating Intergenerational Connections While Improving Health with Safe Routes to Parks
  3. Safe Routes Partnership Joins Allies in Action
  4. May is National Bike Month
  5. Webinar: Cycling Past 50

1. New Resource: Walking, Riding, and Rolling for a New Generation: How to Partner with Youth on Safe Routes Projects

Young people are interested in safe walking, biking, rolling, riding, and driving. Talking with teens about their travel habits reveals two competing priorities: teens’ desires to be independent and their parents’ and caregivers’ desires to keep them safe. This guide spotlights youth-led traffic safety projects from across the country and offers strategies for how Safe Routes practitioners can champion youth-led safety projects like Safe Routes to School and advocacy campaigns. Read the guide here.

Missed one of our Walk, Ride, and Roll webinars? Looking for one of the series publications? Click here to explore all the past Walk, Ride, and Roll resources.

2. Creating Intergenerational Connections While Improving Health with Safe Routes to Parks

Every May, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month, which offers an opportunity to explore diverse aging experiences and discuss how communities can combat stereotypes. This month’s Safe Routes to Parks blog explores the way children and older adults can strengthen their connections and bodies through walks to the park. Read the blog here.

3. Safe Routes Partnership Joins Allies in Action

Safe Routes Partnership is proud to announce our commitment to the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Roadway Safety Strategy to reduce roadway fatalities as part of their campaign, Allies in Action. We know that getting to zero will require everyone to do their part, and Safe Routes Partnership will do ours by encouraging and providing technical assistance to states, local governments, and partners to implement Safe Routes to School programs and adapt the Transportation Alternatives Program to prioritize communities made vulnerable to traffic injury and fatalities by historic and contemporary funding and policy decisions. Learn how you can join us and create safer roads for all at http://bit.ly/3Jh27wJ.

4. May is National Bike Month

Each year, the League of American Bicyclists, the national organization advocating for a more Bicycle Friendly America for everyone, declares May as National Bike Month.  Encouraging more people to go places by bike is beneficial to social, economic, and environmental growth.  You can join in on this month’s celebrations by participating in Bike to Work Week on May 15-21, 2023, and Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 19! Learn more about it at www.bikeleague.org/bikemonth.

5. Webinar: Cycling Past 50

Most people learn to ride a bike as a child, but when do they stop cycling? May is National Bike Month, and Mineta Transportation Institute is investigating the habits of older adults who cycle with the fifth year of the nationwide 50+ Cycling Survey. Join this webinar to discuss health and mobility and to dig into ways this information can be used by engineers, planners, advocates, and more. Register and learn more here.