Safe Routes to School E-News
Issue #119: January 2016

Safe Routes to School E-News is a monthly email newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership (Safe Routes Partnership). Our mission is to advance safe walking and bicycling to and from schools, and in daily life, to improve the health and well-being of America’s children and to foster the creation of livable, sustainable communities.

The Safe Routes Partnership is on Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

To receive future issues of E-News, sign up here.

  1. The Latest from Capitol Hill
  2. Nominate your Local Safe Routes to School Leader for a Safe Routes to School Award
  3. Safe Routes to School Meets Safe Routes to Parks
  4. Early Bird Registration Open for Safe Routes to School National Conference Until Jan. 17
  5. New Resource for Safe Routes to School in Tribal Communities
  6. Physical Activity Guidelines Update
  7. Webinar: The New Federal Transportation Bill and Safe Routes to School
  8. A Strong Start for Safe Routes in 2016
  9. News from the Field
  10. Highlighted Blogs

1. The Latest from Capitol Hill

A New Year, A New Transportation Law: What Now?

While Congress may have passed a long-term transportation law locking in funding for the Transportation Alternatives Program for five years, there is much that advocates could be doing.  In our federal policy blog, we have suggestions for advocates on how to study up on the FAST Act, how to monitor and influence your state or MPO’s usage of Transportation Alternatives Program funds and more.  The post is full of links to our newly updated resources—and some older but still relevant information!
We also want your help: Congress eliminated funding for a small but important program within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that focuses on the health impacts of transportation and the built environment. National, state and local organizations can sign on to our letter to the CDC calling on them to continue funding for this program.  Read the letter and sign on by January 15!

2. Nominate a Local Leader for the Hubsmith Safe Routes Champion Award

In remembrance of Deb Hubsmith, founding executive director of the Safe Routes Partnership, the firstHubsmith Safe Routes Champion Award will be presented to a nominated individual who exemplifies Deb’s leadership, commitment and positive impact on Safe Routes to School advocacy and advancement in their community. The winner of the first Hubsmith Safe Routes Champion Award will be announced at the 2016 Safe Routes to School National Conference, April 5-7, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio.  The honoree will receive a free registration for the 3-day conference plus travel and hotel accommodations.  Click here to learn more about the award and submit a nomination.

3. Safe Routes to School Meets Safe Routes to Parks

Communities are working on many strategies to make it easier and safer for people to be physically active. One important place for collaboration and advocacy is around making sure that people can safely walk and bicycle to parks – an approach known as safe routes to parks. This new fact sheet developed by the Safe Routes Partnership outlines the three components of a safe routes to parks plan with tips for collaborating with planning, parks, and Safe Routes to School professionals. 

4. Early Bird Registration Open for Safe Routes to School National Conference Until Jan. 17

Don't miss your chance to save $50 with your early bird registration for the Safe Routes to School National Conference! The National Conference will take place April 5-7, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, featuring diverse panels and presentations, with keynote speakers including Gil Penalosa with 8 80 Cities, Kevin Carroll, author of What’s Your Red Rubber Ball?!, Dr. Ihouma Eneli & Dr. Michael Patrick of Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and Jennifer Toole of Toole Design Group. Register today!

5. New Resource for Safe Routes to School in Tribal Communities

A new information brief issued by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and written by the Safe Routes Partnership provides an overview of the unique considerations in implementing Safe Routes to School in tribal communities. While many strategies for implementing Safe Routes to School in tribal areas are similar to those in other communities, there are some considerations that are more specific to tribal communities that influence strategy selection and implementation.
This informational brief highlights three tribal communities in New Mexico, Montana, and Oklahoma that have successfully improved safety for walking and bicycling to school and describes the strategies these communities are using to implement Safe Routes to School and active transportation.  Download PDF.

6. Physical Activity Guidelines Update

Planning is underway for the 2nd edition of Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, and the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion is seeking experts in physical activity and health to serve on the 2018 PAG Advisory Committee. Nominations to serve on the 2018 PAG Advisory Committee will be accepted through February 5, 2016Click here for more information.

7. Webinar: The New Federal Transportation Bill and Safe Routes to School

January 14, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Register here
In December 2015, the U.S. Congress passed a new transportation law called the FAST Act. The law provides five years of funding for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), which supports Safe Routes to School, walking and bicycling projects, along with some policy changes.

In this webinar, the Safe Routes Partnership’s federal policy lead, Margo Pedroso, will review the changes to TAP along with other provisions in the FAST Act that provide opportunities for Safe Routes to School funding and policies that make communities safer for kids and families walking and bicycling. This webinar will include a substantial question and answer session with attendees – this is your chance to learn more about federal transportation law and to ask specific questions about how it works in your community. 

8. A Strong Start for Safe Routes in 2016

The Safe Routes Partnership sincerely thanks those of you who donated to our year-end giving campaign. We are grateful for the support of all of our partners, donors, and readers. If you’d like to give to support a strong start for the Safe Routes to School movement in 2016, click here.

9. News from the Field

Advancing Active Transportation in Southern California

The Safe Routes Partnership’s Southern California staff continues to be strong partners in advancing active transportation throughout the region. Two recent articles in the Orange County Register showcase recent successes for active transportation, and efforts are underway to provide input into the draft 2016 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS), which was released in December. SCAG’s proposed 2016 RTP/SCS furthers the region’s focus on active transportation in a number of ways, including doubling the amount of investment in active transportation compared to the 2012 plan, from $6.7 billion to $12.9 billion, and committing to a goal of 50 percent of communities having Safe Routes to School plans by 2040. Click here to get involved in the RTP/SCS process or learn more.

10. Highlighted Blogs

Kaiser Permanente Celebrates a Decade of Building Community Health (Kaiser Permanente)
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (CDC)