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  Fact Sheet

This resource provides recommendations for how champions and stakeholders who care about their state’s support for active transportation and physical activity, can emphasize new opportunities within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to influence decision-makers in their state to strengthen state policies and practices for improving walking and rolling and raise their state report card scores.  

  Fact Sheet

This resource provides recommendations for how state departments of transportation (DOTs) can respond to new opportunities within the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to support walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School -- and maintain and raise report card scores.  

This blog was written by Amy Johnson, GIS Intern, and Portland Community College student.

Illustrated graphic of a child with a basketball trying to cross a busy road to get to a park

Thinking of my childhood trips to the park brings me right back to the feeling of the sun on my face and summer days when all I was worried about was not missing the neighborhood ice cream truck.  As a kid, I would go to several nearby parks with my grandparents after school or on weekends on foot, bicycle, or skates. Living in Queens, New York meant I had sidewalks to walk or roll, and depending on the destination of my park of choice, a few high-traffic intersections that required the assistance of a guardian.

  Fact Sheet

Young people are interested in safe walking, biking, rolling, riding, and driving. Talking with teens about their travel habits reveals two competing priorities: teens’ desires to be independent and their parent's and caregivers’ desires to keep them safe. This guide spotlights youth-led traffic safety projects from across the country and offers strategies for how Safe Routes practitioners can champion youth-led safety projects like Safe Routes to School and advocacy campaigns. 


We are pleased to announce our next California webinar on Wednesday, May 31st at 11 am: USDOT’s Safe Streets for All Program - Opportunities for California Communities!  This webinar will serve as an introduction to Safe Streets for All (SS4A), a new federal program created by 2021’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. SS4A offers both Planning and Demonstration Grants, and Implementation Grants: the former can set up your community well for the latter, or an Active Transportation Program infrastructure project.

This blog was written by Maria Gabrielle Sipin.


Wednesday, May 10th from 2 - 3 pm ET

Did you hear the news? High schools are now eligible for federal Safe Routes to School funding! This means new possibilities for connecting Safe Routes to issues teens care about, from climate justice to distracted driving to digital media. Join us as we explore best practices for working with high school students. Learn about building trust, getting program buy-in, and giving teens what they need to lead their own projects. Plus, we will share some inspiring youth-led projects from across the country!


Key takeaways:

  • The negative impacts of discriminatory housing policies from the 1950s known as redlining continue today through racial segregation, poverty, and income inequality. As a result of these past policies, Black neighborhoods still disproportionately experience decreased property values, community disinvestment, and intergenerational wealth disparity.
  • Residents in historically redlined neighborhoods are at great risk of pedestrian crashes today.  They are more likely to rely on public transit or active transportation like walking, biking, and rolling meanwhile living in neighborhoods that lack sidewalks, crosswalks, and street lighting.

Thursday, May 11th from 11am-12pm PT

Featuring speakers from Oregon State Parks, Safe Routes Partnership, and Oregon Department of Transportation, this webinar will highlight state and federal funding opportunities communities and organizations can use to improve safe, convenient, and equitable access to parks and other essential community destinations.


Key takeaways:

  • This is a systematic review of 40 health impact assessments (HIAs) of walkability. HIAs are a tool to measure the impact and health benefits of policies and projects.
  • Of the HIAs reviewed for this study, more than ninety percent reported improvements in health or health behavior resulting from a project or policy focused on walkability.
  • Based on this study, HIAs reported the impact of walkability on cardiovascular disease most frequently, followed by diabetes, cancer, mental illness, premature death, respiratory disease, traffic accidents, and obesity.
  • More research is needed on the health impacts of walkability to support its importance in the urban planning process. Measured impact can be more expansive to not only increased physical activity but also social interaction, and improved perceptions of safety in the community. It can also include social inequalities and whether or not the benefits or harms of projects or policies are disproportionate among certain population groups.

Wednesday, April 19th at 2-3 pm ET

The days are longer, the weather is warmer, and National Bike Month is just around the corner! Let’s get ready for Spring programming by gathering virtually to discuss what’s going on in the world of Safe Routes to School. Join us for an informal Zoom session to connect with other Safe Routes to School practitioners. Share your program successes and challenges, swap resources, brainstorm project ideas, and let us know how the Partnership can support your work going forward.


Tuesday, April 25th from 11 am - 12 pm MT

From research and evaluation to curriculum design and GIS mapping, academic institutions can offer a number of valuable resources to Safe Routes to School programs. And the best part is, they want to get involved! Join us as we explore how college and university partnerships can increase your program capacity and turn innovative ideas into action.


Wednesday, March 15th from 3pm-4pm ET 

Nonprofits are allowed to do electoral activities- like candidate surveys and forums, but there are some rules around it.

While we await the President’s budget and meet with members of Congress on our appropriations requests, it is a nice time of year to check-in on how states are doing implementing the Transportation Alternatives Program.


Key takeaways:

  • Arrested mobility is defined as a set of transportation-related policies and practices that limit mobility, opportunity, and access for Black Americans and other people of color.
  • The report provides an in-depth scan and analysis of state, local, and county laws related to walking, biking, and using e-scooters, and provides an analysis of how features of these laws make them difficult or impossible to enforce equitably and hinder the mobility of people of color.
  • All 50 states, the two largest cities in each state, as well as select county and local laws, were analyzed for discrimination and inequitable enforcement of policies and policing of pedestrians, cyclists, and e-scooter users.
  • Nine types of laws impacting pedestrians were found to be prone to discrimination and inequitable enforcement: crossing outside of a crosswalk, using the right half of a crosswalk, right-angle crossing, diagonal crossing, suddenly leaving the curb, playing ball, walking on highways/freeways, soliciting rides, business, employment, charity or hitchhiking, or acting with “reasonable cause.”
  • Fifteen types of laws impacting cyclists were found to be prone to discrimination and inequitable enforcement. The policies fell into two categories: riding activities (ex. riding two abreast, riding with a headset or earbuds, speed) and licensing and equipment (ex. helmet, lamp, bike condition).
  • Twelve types of laws impacting e-scooter users were found to be prone to discrimination and inequitable enforcement. Many of these coincided with those regarding cyclists, such as riding on the sidewalk and carrying additional riders. One type of law pertaining to e-scooters that is not mentioned for cyclists is parking.
  • The report outlines six recommendations for advocates, researchers, and policymakers. These include repealing laws that are inequitably enforced, advancing healthy community design to promote safety and encourage mobility, reducing court fines, placing limits on pretextual stops, manufacturing bicycles with front and rear lights, and increasing awareness and research of how these laws negatively impact communities of color.

Key takeaways:

  • Individuals in urban areas participate the most in active transportation overall, compared to suburban and rural areas.
  • Low-income individuals and carless households participate in active transportation more than individuals in low-income areas who own cars and individuals in high-income households. This association is strongest in suburban areas.
  • Active transportation among low-income individuals is two to four times higher than that of high-income individuals. For these individuals – living in urban, suburban, and rural communities - walking and cycling serve utilitarian purposes, connecting them to work, school, food and healthcare.
  • In suburban and rural areas, individuals from low-income car-owning households participate in more active travel than their higher-income counterparts.
  • In dense, multi-use urban areas, high-income households use active travel more than individuals from low-income, car-owning households.
  • Overall, the greatest dependence on active transportation is for individuals in low-income carless households, in suburban and rural areas.
  Fact Sheet
Improving Arrival and Dismissal for Walking and Biking

A new infobrief, Keep Calm and Carry On to School: Improving Arrival and Dismissal for Walking and Biking, provides information on how schools, districts, cities, counties, and community partners can address arrival and dismissal in school travel plans as well as other planning, policy, and programming efforts.


Wednesday, March 15th from 2pm-3pm ET 

It’s the best of times. It’s the worst of times. That’s right, we’re talking about school arrival and dismissal! Join us as we discuss how to tackle these tricky times of the day. We’ll explore arrival/dismissal observation protocols, school street activations, demonstration projects, and creative ideas to encourage more walking and rolling.