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Page 60 of 105 pages. This page shows results 1181 - 1200 of 2091 total results.

Street-scale urban design policies are recommended to increase physical activity in communities; thus, this study examines U.S. public support for such policies.


Recreational facility availability has been shown to associate positively with youth physical activity levels. Nonetheless, little is known about additional facility characteristics affecting their use for physical activity as well as differences between private and public facilities.


This paper reviews trends in cycling levels, safety, and policies in Canada and the USA over the past two decades.


This study examined relationships between greenness exposure and free-living physical activity behavior of children in smart growth and conventionally designed communities.


Most studies of active travel to school (ATS) have been conducted in urban or suburban areas and focused on young children. Little is known about ATS among rural adolescents.


The Irvine Minnesota Inventory (IMI) was designed to measure environmental features that may be associated with physical activity and particularly walking. 


The purpose of this study was to identify correlates of pedometer-based cut-points among elementary school-aged children.


Active transportation to school is an important contributor to the total physical activity of children and adolescents. However, active school travel has declined over time, and interventions are needed to reverse this trend. The purpose of this paper is to review intervention studies related to active school transportation.


The purpose of this study is to estimate the risks and benefits to health of travel by bicycle, using a bicycle sharing scheme, compared with travel by car in an urban environment.


This study examines whether certain characteristics of the social and physical environment influence a child’s mode of travel between home and school.


An extensive body of research exists on environmental influences on weight-related behaviors in young people. Existing reviews aimed to synthesize this body of work, but generally focused on specific samples, behaviors or environmental influences and integration of findings is lacking.


Emerging frameworks to examine active school transportation (AST) commonly emphasize the built environment (BE) as having an influence on travel mode decisions.


As childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions, it is critical to devise interventions that target the root causes of obesity and its risk factors. 


This webinar addresses common issues that schools face, presents information on common solutions and highlights communities that have creatively faced this issue and as a result have more students bicycling to school daily.


This document is a short informational document, demonstrating the benefits of joint use gardens and also discusses the benefits of joint use partnerships.


This video serves as a training tool for communities to establish joint use agreements brought to you by California Prjoect Lean, The California Department of Public Health and the California School Board Association.


This article examines the role smart growth can play in achieving planning objectives, including energy conservation and emission reductions. It summarizes existing literature on land use impacts on travel activity, energy consumption and pollution emissions. It examines claims that smart growth policies are ineffective and harmful.


Automobile exhaust pose health risks and dependency on car commuting also reduces physical fitness opportunities.


Studies have reported high exposure to air pollutants at school, but only a handful of studies have analysed children’s exposure at school.


Vehicular emissions in close proximity to schools can have detrimental health effects on children. The Safe Routes to School program claims to improve air quality through implementation due to reduced volume of traffic generated to schools.