Resource Library

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Educating Governors and State Agency Leaders

The complexities of engaging and educating your governor and state agency leaders on the benefits of policies and funding that support Safe Routes to School can feel daunting, but may be easier than you imagine.

  Fact Sheet

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "Maximizing Statewide Impact of Safe Routes to School: Educating Governors and State Agency Leaders" that took place on February 21, 2013.


The need for safe play spaces in communities across the United States is more important than ever (ChangeLab Solutions, 2012). 

  Fact Sheet

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "Maximizing Statewide Impact of Safe Routes to School: Educating Governors and State Agency Leaders" that took place on February 21, 2013.


Learn tips for advocating for policies that support Safe Routes to School.

Understanding the New Match Requirements for Safe Routes to School Projects

Learn about the match requirement in the MAP-21 law.

  Fact Sheet

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "New Funding, New Partners, New Game 201: How to Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments" that took place on January 10, 2013. 

Why Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments

This webinar discusses the role of regional governments in Safe Routes to School.

  Fact Sheet

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "New Funding, New Partners, New Game 201: How to Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments" that took place on January 10, 2013. 


Researchers assessed the effectiveness of childhood obesity prevention programs by reviewing all interventional studies that aimed to improve diet, physical activity, or both and that were conducted in schools, homes, primary care clinics, childcare settings, the community, or combinations of these settings in high-income countries.

Why Build Safe Routes to School into Regional Governments

Part one of a two-part series discussing the role of regional governments in Safe Routes to School.


As the incidence of pediatric obesity and sedentary lifestyle increases, more children are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, formerly a chronic disease primarily of adults who were overweight and had a sedentary lifestyle.


Communities are seeking new ways to help stretch lean budgets and meet changing resident needs. 


Communities are seeking new ways to help stretch lean budgets and meet changing resident needs. 


Epidemic increases in obesity negatively affect the health of US children, individually and at the population level. Although surveillance of childhood obesity at the local level is challenging, height and weight data routinely collected by school districts are valuable and often underused public health resources.


This pilot study examined the effects of a teacher-taught, locomotor skill (LMS)-based physical activity (PA) program on the LMS and PA levels of minority preschooler-aged children.


The role of exposure to air pollution in the development of allergic sensitization remains unclear. We sought to assess the development of sensitization until school age related to longitudinal exposure to air pollution from road traffic.

  Report, Case Study
An Opportunity for Public Health

With the growing rate of obesity, the high cost of gas and climate change, we must rethink and reshape our transportation systems and networks to promote active transportation, with public health practitioners playing a key role. 


Recent research suggests the burden of childhood asthma that is attributable to air pollution has been underestimated in traditional risk assessments, and there are no estimates of these associated costs.


A recent paper in the economics literature finds an inverse relationship between gasoline prices and obesity risk—suggesting that increased gasoline prices via higher gasoline taxes may have the effect of reducing obesity prevalence. This study builds upon that paper.