Resource Library

Page 37 of 105 pages. This page shows results 721 - 740 of 2088 total results.

South Carolina currently provides clear statutory liability protection for open community use of schools’ facilities for recreation. 


In 2013, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the Washington State Alliance of YMCAs Statewide Pioneering Healthier Communities team to work towards improving the childhood obesity policy. 


A step-by-step guide with accompanying pictures to visually demonstrate how bicycle helmets work to protect the head and brain from serious injury in the event of a crash. 

  Evaluation, Report, Case Study, Research, Laws and Policies
Understanding & Addressing Pedestrian Safety

This report provides an overview of current pedestrian safety data and research and discusses how states are using this and other information to address the issue.


Three MPO representatives speak about how they’ve used TAP funds to support a range of Safe Routes to School projects in their communities. 

  Toolkit, Report, Research
A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices (2015).

A reference to assist State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) in selecting effective, evidence-based countermeasures for 9 traffic safety problem areas.


A UK-specific pedestrian safety resource.

A Guide to Starting a Safe Routes to School Campaign at Your School

This manual is for parents, caregivers, volunteers, teachers, and other school champions and provides step-by-step instructions on 1) how to encourage bicycling and walking to school, and 2) how to start a safety campaign at your school. Remember that these tips and ideas can and should be tailored to fit the needs and issues relevant at your school.


Staff from the Public Health Law Center and Missouri School Board Association will introduce tools and discuss information to simplify and improve community access of school facilities.


This policy implementation guide was produced as an informational resource for community members, local stakeholders such as park and school officials, parents, teachers and public health advocates interested in improving opportunities for healthy living. 


An informal video on the history of jaywalking and why it is now a crime.

  Fact Sheet
Education in the Heart of a Community

Information to help communities make smart school siting decisions that support a community-centered facility for education, safe access to physical activity, and overall accessibility that improves quality of life for students and communities.

  Fact Sheet

This brief profiles four MPOs, each of which used a thoughtful and innovative approach to TAP that was ultimately beneficial to the safety of children and families on the trip to and from school. 

  Journal Article

Abstract: The commentary suggests two primary policy issues that must be addressed nationally. 

  Fact Sheet

The Safe States Alliance is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as the national voice in support of state and local injury and violence prevention professionals engaged in building a safer, healthier America. 

Preventing Violence and Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living

The publication makes a compelling case for embedding safety strategies into community efforts to promote healthy eating and physical activity. 


The report, Obesity and its Relation to Mortality and Morbidity Costs, prepared by Donald Behan and Samuel Cox of the Society of Actuaries, is a review of almost 500 research articles on obesity and its relation to mortality and morbidity, focusing primarily on papers published from January 1980 to June 2009. 

Status of Physical Education in the United States

The purpose of this Shape of the Nation Report is to provide current information about the status of physical education in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the following areas:

Recommendations for Research Plan and Product Development

This is a 15-year plan for pedestrian safety research and technology transfer. It was developed to address pedestrian safety concerns and equip professionals and other stakeholders with proper knowledge, resources, and information needed to identify problems and implement solutions related to the roadway environment. 

  Fact Sheet

The Potential of Safe, Secure and Accessible Playgrounds to Increase Children’s Physical Activity was published by Active Living Reseach (a RWJF program) in February 2011. The report summarizes research on the importance of playgrounds for children’s physical activity. Some highlights of this report are: