Active Transportation

House Transportation Bill Advances with More Infrastructure Priorities

Since our last federal policy blog two weeks ago covering Committee action, the House transportation bill, the INVEST Act, has expanded and moved forward.  As a reminder, the INVEST Act includes an estimated $7 billion over four years for active transportation projects and improving safety for people biking, walking, and rolling, plus many strong policy changes.  Given this, 32 national organizations joined with the League of American Bicyclists, American Heart Associat

House Transportation Bill Gets Even Better as It Moves through Committee

Over the course of 24 hours spread over two days, the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee under the leadership of Chairman DeFazio (D-OR) considered amendments to the INVEST in America Act, which is the House version of the surface transportation reauthorization bill.  Some members were in the Committee room, spaced out for safety, and others Members participated via webcam, while audience members watched via YouTube. 

Advocating for Essential Transit Options: Active Transportation Advocates as Allies

Local and state governments are issuing stay at home orders and asking that only essential workers leave home for work and for everyone to stay home unless they have an essential trip like getting groceries or going to medical appointments. Many people do not have the privilege of staying home and will continue to require transportation options to get to and from essential jobs, grocery stores, and other services. This pandemic shines a spotlight on everyone’s need for safe, affordable and healthy transportation options and makes it clear that public transit is an essential service.