Active Transportation: Reports, Evaluations, and Toolkits
Toolkit, Website
How to Use a Balance Bike

Balance bikes are bikes that have no pedals, and children push themselves along the ground with their feet, figuring out how to find their balance. Balance Bikes are an innovative method of teaching kids how to ride a bike without relying on training wheels. 

Evaluation, Report
Economic Benefits of Promoting Safe Walking and Biking to School

Community level strategies to promote physical activity have the potential to improve health and well-being. This report provides evidence and an analysis on the benefits of promoting active travel to school for children of all ages.

Evaluation, Report
Economic Benefits of Promoting Safe Walking and Biking to School

Community level strategies to promote physical activity have the potential to improve health and well-being. This report provides evidence and an analysis on the benefits of promoting active travel to school for children of all ages.

Toolkit, Website
Bike NWA

BikeNWA believes that learning to ride a bike in a positive, safe and fun environment is key to becoming a happy and healthy life-long rider. Let’s Play BikesNWA is a free three-part guide to help parents to facilitate learning in a simple, fun and low-stress way.

Learn to Ride

Learn to ride is a class/method/program to teach someone how to ride a bike for the first time.

Active Transportation Bingo

Each of these Active Transportation Bingo cards focuses on a specific theme and you can use them to prompt different discussions about walking or cycling.

Bike Swap Instructions

A Community Bike Swap is a way to
refurbish and redistribute community bikes. It
engages participants to find bikes that fit them or their children better and is
a low to no-cost way to encourage bicycle ridership when paired with other
education or promotional events/rides or otherwise.

Family Resources for Staying Active During Covid

This document provides some ideas for how to stay active while practicing safe social distancing, including ways to make your walk more fun, Earth Day-themed activities, and safe walking and biking educational resources.

Bike Assessment

Assessment for bicycle to see if fit to be swapped 

May Walk and Roll Challenge

A challenge for May to walk, ride,scoot, or skate everyday