Oregon AV Task Force: Testing policy headed to Legislature, Deployment recommendations up next

The Oregon Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Task Force reconvened this week, kicking off phase two of its work. For the last 6 months, the Task Force has been focused on developing recommendations for an AV testing policy framework. These recommendations can be found in the 2018 Final Report, and we can expect this report to inform legislation in 2019. A draft bill was shared with AV Task Force members at this week’s meeting, but has not yet been shared with the public.

Oregon MPO Priorities in 2019: Connect Oregon, Safe Routes to School & Speed Limits

The Oregon Municipal Planning Organization Consortium (OMPOC) is getting closer to establishing legislative priorities for 2019. OMPOC is a forum for Oregon’s 8 MPOs to coordinate on transportation issues of mutual interest. The list of possible concepts for Oregon MPOs to address in 2019, has been narrowed down to three topics.

Special Oregon Opportunity: 2019 Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities Grants

Updated: Oregon applications now due 1/9/19. Special opportunity for organizations, agencies, and communities in Oregon: With funding from the Oregon Health Authority, one rural, suburban, or urban community in Oregon will be funded, in addition to the ten Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities grantees.

Free Webinar: Walk Audit 2.0 - Walkability Assessment Next Steps

Walk audits are a great tool in creating communities where residents can participate in making their vision of healthy, safe, walkable streets real.

In a walk audit, community members go for a walk together, noting what makes their streets feel comfortable for walking and what’s missing. But what to do with this information? In this webinar, we'll hear from community partners in Oregon & Washington who have completed walk audits, and explore next steps for turning their vision into reality. Join us on November 15 at 10am PT/1pm ET.


Get Ready for SRTS Program Grants in Oregon - Statewide and Portland Metro

Are you ready for increased funding dedicated to Safe Routes to School in Oregon? It is coming in 2019! Below are two great upcoming opportunities for making your community safer for students and others who walk and roll (or want to). Stay tuned for more information coming soon about how to get your school, district, city, or county ready to apply for these SRTS program funds.

Lane & Mid-Willamette Valley MPOs consider legislative priorities for 2019

The Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) and Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) are preparing possible policy agendas for the upcoming 2019 Legislative Session. The Policy Committee for the Salem-Keizer Active Transportation Study (SKATS), also the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the area, met today to discuss next steps for the Mid-Willamette Valley region.

Oregon Task Force on Autonomous Vehicles gets closer to policy framework

The Task Force on Autonomous Vehicles (AV) held their third meeting yesterday to firm up their recommendations for a framework for autonomous vehicle policy in Oregon, which is not currently addressed in state law. ODOT staff will summarize these recommendations into a final report, which will be reviewed by the Task Force and submitted to the Legislature, who will ultimately make any policy decisions going forward. The final report is expected to become available next week, at which time both the AV Task Force and public are encouraged to submit formal comments.

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest