This page includes archives of the Safe Routes Partnership's legislative actions in 2017 and 2018. Since this is a historical archive, links may not work. Current information on our legislative priorities is available on our National webpage. You may also visit our legislative archives by year.
NOVEMBER 9, 2020: A post-election look forward to transportation in 2021.
OCTOBER 29, 2020: A year-end look at state TAP iimplementation.
OCTOBER 8, 2020: Congress passes a one-year extension to the current transportation law, the FAST Act.
SEPTEMBER 3, 2020: Congress delays FAST Act, extension of current law likely to prevent expiration.
JULY 1, 2020: The INVEST in America Act advances with more infrastructure priorities.
JUNE 18, 2020: The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee passed the INVEST in America Act with amendments for Safe Routes to School.
JUNE 4, 2020: House transporation bill incluedes big wins for biking and walking.
MAY 12, 2020: What's next for congress to tackle coronavirus, read the latest federal blog post.
APRIL 7, 2020: Congress passes the CARES Act including $25 billion in emergency funding for transit.
FEBRUARY 18, 2020: House Democats introduce the Safe Routes to School Expansion Act, HR 5891.
JANUARY 29, 2020: House leadership has unveiled a $760 billion Moving America Forward infrastructure package.
JANUARY 27, 2020: New fiscal year, new transfers and obligations to the Transportation Alternatives Program.
NOVEMBER 25, 2019: Congress repeals the pending transportation rescission and the Transportation Alternatives Enhancement Act is introduced.
NOVEMBER 6, 2019: Checking in with the House on the Transporation Reauthorization.
OCTOBER 25, 2019: The Good, the bad, and the ugly about how states are using TAP.
AUGUST 1, 2019: State get more TAP fund out the door. Check out the second quarter TAP tracking chart.
JULY 29, 2019: Senate Transportation Bill takes big strides for biking and walking.
JUNE 6, 2019: Reps. Brownley (D-CA-26) and Espaillat (D-NY-13) team up to introduce HR 3040, the Safe and Friendly for the Environment (SAFE) Streets Act.
MAY 31, 2019: Congress shifts into gear on transportation reauthorization.
MAY 8, 2019: State Keep TAP funding rolling. Check out our TAP tracking chart.
APRIL 12, 2019: Senators Cardin (D-MD) and Wicker (R-MS) introduced S. 1098, the Transportation Alternatives Enhancements Act.
MARCH 27, 2019: Transportation heats up in the Senate.
MARCH 4, 2019: Congress Talks Climate & Transportation.
FEBRUARY 8, 2019: An explainer, State Implemetaton of TAP.
JANUARY 31, 2019: Congressional leaders speak out on Safe Routes, Biking & Walking.