This page includes archives of the Safe Routes Partnership's legislative actions in 2017 and 2018.  Since this is a historical archive, links may not work.  Current information on our legislative priorities is available on our National webpage. You may also visit our legislative archives by year.

November 15, 2018:  2018 election results - What do they mean for active transportation?
October 23, 2018:
States leap ahead with TAP spending
September 26, 2018:
Progress on spending bills; concerns on automated vehicles bill
July 26, 2018:
Shuster proposal sets stage for transportation reauthorization
July 16, 2018:
States buckle down on spending TAP; Some states risk losing funds
July 9, 2018: 
Learn how to use the 2018 Making Strides state report cards to improve your state's TAP implementation
June 4, 2018:
Federal policy hodgepodge: transportation spending, GHG rule, and updated state ratings!
April 30, 2018:
Different name, similar program: TIGER morphs into BUILD
March 26, 2018:
Congress rejects big budget cuts
February 12, 2018:White House releases backwards infrastructure package and spending priorities
February 5, 2018:
What we value for any infrastructure package
January 3, 2018:
Congress kicked the can to January
NOVEMBER 29, 2017:
It's crunch time (again) for Congress
October 25, 2017:
Most states make big moves on TAP; some squander TAP funds
September 28, 2017:
Woodall amendment compromises local control of transportation dollars
September 5, 2017:
Crunch time for Congress and the states
July 31, 2017:
Congressional confusion: tax cuts or infrastructure up next?
June 28, 2017:
Fits and starts on infrastructure and health care legislation
May 24, 2017:
Proposed 2018 Trump Budget includes infrastructure proposal, detrimental cuts
May 12, 2017:
States get two new ways to avoid spending money on biking and walking
March 29, 2017:
Next up for Congress: Government funding and taxes
March 27, 2017: Ask Congress to join in Vision Zero
March 1, 2017:
Consulting the crystal ball on infrastructure
January 13, 2017:
USDOT acknowledges we should measure people, not just cars
January 4, 2017:
States transfer millions in TAP funding; hold your state accountable