
Join Us to #GoActiveToSchool This Year!

More energy throughout the day. Better focus in class. Healthy habits that last a lifetime.

These are just a few of the benefits that kids who walk, bike, or roll to school gain from incorporating physical activity into their regular daily routine. As kids and families across America head back to school this month, we’re launching a nationwide campaign to support and encourage active travel to school – now and all year long!

#GoActiveToSchool will share tips, resources, toolkits, and inspiration for schools, parents, and students who are inspired to go active back to school this year. We’ll help you make the trip to school fun, active, and safe no matter how you travel back to school.

How you can help:

  • Share social media messages with impact stats, encouraging messages, and resources to inspire your school community to #GoActiveToSchool.
  • Use our toolkits to start a walking school bus program, get rolling with a bike train program, or learn about state policies that impact walking and biking in your state.
  • Join the conversation! Follow #GoActiveToSchool and share your local stories, heroes, and photos about how you travel to school.

#GoActiveToSchool promotes awareness, inspiration, and grassroots change at the local level to build a movement for walking, biking, and rolling to school.

#GoActiveToSchool Resources

Step By Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus At Your School
This step-by-step guide outlines how to plan and implement a walking school bus for your school, and includes proven tools, tips and resources for a fast and easy start. 

How to Be A Parent Champion for Safe Routes to School
Learn about how parents and families can get involved in Safe Routes to School, though data collection, school and neighborhood improvements, policy change, and programs to enable and encourage more walking and bicycling.

Making Strides: 2018 State Report Cards on Support for Walking, Biking, and Healthy Kids and Communities
These report cards provide a snapshot of how supportive each state is of walking, bicycling, and physical activity for children and adults as of 2018. The report cards primarily look at state policy, focusing on four key areas: Complete Streets and Active Transportation, Safe Routes to School and Active Transportation Funding, Active Neighborhoods and Schools, and State Physical Activity Planning and Support.

The Wheels On the Bike Go Round and Round: How To Get a Bike Train Rolling at Your School
This guide outlines how to put together and run a bike train program at your school, including initial planning considerations, logistics, promotion, training, and evaluation. The guide has tried-and-true methods, resources, and templates to get you off to a quick start.

Engaging Students with Disabilities in Safe Routes to School
This infobrief provides information for Safe Routes to School staff, volunteers, or program leaders on how to plan and develop a program that considers and meets the needs of students with disabilities.

Keep Calm and Carry On to School: Improving Arrival and Dismissal for Walking and Biking
This infobrief provides information on how schools, districts, cities, counties, and community partners can address arrival and dismissal in school travel plans as well as other planning, policy, and programming efforts.