carol pulleyOf 52 documented Complete Streets policies in Florida, more than 20 were passed in 2012-2013. Florida network members were instrumental in the success of many of these policies. Some of these have been highlighted on the Safe Routes to School Florida network webinar and put on the National Partnership website as blogs.

From early in 2012, the Safe Routes to School Florida network’s monthly webinars reached a wide and diverse audience with the policy objectives of the network. The Safe Routes to School Florida network’s collaboration with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Safe Routes to School Program provided an opportunity to reach across agency and organization boundaries and educate a wide audience on award and obligation, Complete Streets, and Joint/Shared Use. In monthly webinars with the FDOT SRTS Coordinator, the Safe Routes to School Florida Advocacy Organizer broadcast the webinars from the FDOT Safety Office. The network was kept informed of resources, webinars and other training opportunities.

Some of the webinar presentations included:

  • FDOT Design on Complete Streets
  • Comprehensive Planning-How changes in comprehensive planning affect transportation, school and recreation concurrency
  • Broward Complete Streets Initiative – Metropolitan Planning Organization Guidelines to be implemented into each municipality’s policies and practices. The MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator gave an overview of providing elected officials the information they need to justify Complete Streets projects.
  • The Florida Traffic and Bicycle Education Program – training children in traffic safety to walk & bicycle to school
  • Walk Wise Tampa Bay, CUTR, UF – providing traffic safety training for lower income
  • Creating a Statewide Policy Environment to Facilitate Joint Use: State Policy Directions and Local Initiatives
  • Updates from the FDOT Bicycle Pedestrian Program and State Crossing Guard Program
  • Walking School Bus workshops funded and scheduled around the state.
  • The Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Education Program
  • FDOT Safe Routes To School application, and award and obligation updates
  • Network Action Teams

The Florida network members have made a difference in Florida, helping Safe Routes to School support the Walking School Bus program, promoting and teaching traffic safety education for children, running bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety programs for lower income communities and being informed on Safe Routes To School applications.

The biggest success in Florida has been the increase in Complete Streets Policies. Collaboration has been good for policy success in Florida.