Margo PedrosoAround the country, more than 600 communities and states have adopted local Complete Streets policies—helping ensure that transportation plans and projects address the needs of all users.

Now you can ask your Members of Congress to join the push for Complete Streets. Senators Begich (D-AK) and Schatz (D-HI) have just introduced the Safe Streets Act (S. 2004), joining Reps. Matsui (D-CA) and Joyce (R-OH) who previously introduce the Safe Streets Act (H.R. 2468) in the House.

The legislation would ensure that state Departments of Transportation and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) implement complete streets policies and laws for federally-funded projects—making the streets safer for everyone using the streets, whether walking, bicycling, driving or taking public transportation.

The bill does not require any new federal funds, and takes a common sense approach to planning transportation projects and systems for all users from the start—rather than having to go back after a project has been built to add sidewalks, crosswalks and other accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities continue to increase, and now make up 16.3 percent of all traffic fatalities. It’s time to ensure that our transportation systems are designed and built to be safe for everyone.

Please contact your Senators and Representative to ask them to co-sponsor the Safe Streets Act.

Thank you for your support!