A new information brief, issued today by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and written by the Safe Routes Partnership, demonstrates how regional transportation planning authorities (or MPOs) can advance Safe Routes to School priorities using the relatively new Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).

 Kids and parents walking from school in Dallas, TX

The brief profiles four MPOs, each of which used a thoughtful and innovative approach to TAP that was ultimately beneficial to the safety of children and families on the trip to and from school. Profiles include:

  • Maricopa Association of Governments (Phoenix, AZ):  Created separate applications and funding streams for Safe Routes to School infrastructure and non-infrastructure—including a new measure of student safety—to ensure that both types of projects would be funded.
  • Metropolitan Transportation Commission (San Francisco, CA): Provided extra points for projects consistent with regional priorities, including Safe Routes to School, and engaged reviewers from the region that were experts in bicycle, pedestrian or health issues.
  • Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (Las Vegas, NV):  Consulted with stakeholders to develop TAP funding priorities—which included Safe Routes to School projects—and  created different scoring criteria depending on the type of project.
  • North Central Texas Council of Governments (Dallas-Fort Worth, TX): Created scoring matrix that provided points for several areas related to Safe Routes to School and did extensive outreach to encourage local governments and school systems to partner on applications.

Since nearly 200 MPOs around the country control more than $200 million in TAP funding each year, advocates and MPOs staff alike can review the brief for practices that will ensure that the region’s transportation needs—including those affecting the trip to school—are addressed through TAP.  In addition to the brief, the National Center for Safe Routes to School and the Safe Routes Partnership will co-host a webinar in December 2015 featuring several staff from the MPOs profiled in the brief.