Host the 4th Safe Routes to School National Conference in Your City

Brooke DriesseWe are excited to announce that the National Center for Safe Routes to School and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership are now seeking proposals from host agencies to organize the 4th Safe Routes to School National Conference in August 2013. Hosting the National Conference will bring national recognition to the host organization and host city as leaders in Safe Routes to School, and provide a boost to the local economy as hundreds of attendees come to your town. Being the host agency for the National Conference can also build more local support for your Safe Routes to School program and strengthen ties with local stakeholders.

The deadline for proposal submissions is June 22, 2012. To download the complete request, please visit A telephone conference call will take place on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 from 1:00 - 2:30 eastern to further discuss and field questions surrounding this request for proposals (RFP).  You need to register for the call in advance by visiting

On a personal level, having been involved with the Safe Routes to School National Conference since its inception, it has been incredible to watch it evolve each time it is held – from Dearborn, MI (2007) to Portland, OR (2009) to Minneapolis, MN (2011). I truly can’t say I had a favorite city/conference because they have all been wonderful in their own right. What has been a sight to behold is the growth of this movement. Each conference boasts more attendees, and the fantastic thing is that there are always people new to the movement and ready to learn from all the seasoned advocates and practitioners in attendance.

The intent of the RFP is to identify and select an experienced organization or agency that will be responsible for conference and event leadership, planning, coordination, fundraising and implementation of all aspects related to running a three-day national meeting of 500-700 program representatives, state DOTs, planners, elected officials and community members. The National Conference provides an opportunity for individuals, agencies and organizations involved with Safe Routes to School to network, engage in educational opportunities, become inspired and form partnerships to enhance their Safe Routes to School work.

Since I am on the review team, I can’t wait to read proposals from organizations across the country, each with their own unique local spin.  I also serve as the primary conference planning liaison for the National Partnership, so I look forward to working with whichever agency is selected at the host.

So, please take a look at the proposal, talk with other leaders in your community, and think about applying!

For more information on the 3rd and most recent conference, please visit