By now, we hope you know that every state received a massive influx of funding to the Transportation Alternatives Program, the primary source of federal funding for walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School. And on top of the 60 to 70 percent increase, states have to hold competitions before they can transfer funds to other uses, which means states that have historically transferred funds have even more money to put toward walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School.

To make it as easy for communities, Safe Routes to School practitioners, bicycle and pedestrian advocates, and others interested in improving biking and walking to know about and ultimately access these funds, we created state-specific fact sheets on the Transportation Alternatives Program in partnership with the League of American Bicyclists.

We invite you to check them out and urge you to share them widely!

Take a look at your state’s fact sheet to find out:

  • How much money it has to compete out for TAP projects this year. Note that this amount will go up annually through fiscal year 2026, so the amount shown on this fact sheet is the baseline.
  • How communities of different sizes can access TAP funds. Most communities will apply directly through the state DOT, but for communities in urbanized areas (greater than 200,000 people), you will have to look up your metropolitan planning organization's TAP competition dates. On the second page, we list all the MPOs that have control of TAP funds in your state. Some states also allow communities in urbanized areas to apply for state-controlled funds, so you’ll have to visit your state’s TAP website to get the particulars.
  • How to get help to either apply for TAP funds or deliver a TAP project. New this year: states get money specifically to help communities apply for the program and then deliver on projects. Some states are proactive about this and have information on their website about pre-application meetings or engineering firms that can complete cost estimates, but not all states have that information publicly available. It may take states a little time to understand the help communities need to be successful, so you can help shape that by asking for what you need. We also always invite people to reach out to us ( with questions.
  • When your state is holding a TAP competition. If known, we include information on when your state’s TAP competition is being held. Application dates are in flux, so we also have a link to a Google spreadsheet that we are updating in real-time as TAP application dates get posted. If we list a competition date in the past, note that this is likely around the time of year that your state DOT holds TAP competitions, and may re-open the competition around the same time next year.

Remember that as long as there are applications for suitable projects, a state DOT cannot transfer funds to other uses like highways and roadway expansion. We all have a role to play to spread the word to communities and other eligible applicants that these funds are available to make it easier, safer, and more equitable to walk and wheel throughout our communities.