September 2012

Blog posts that match your criteria

Joint Use – Breaking Out All Over

Dave JanisAs we have often discussed, joint use (or shared use) agreements are one of the Safe Routes Partnership’s three primary policy priorities from our Robert Wood Johnson funding. What is really exciting is how we frequently hear more about how much is going on in our seven network states. Here is a sampling:

Health and Transportation - A Tipping Point in California

Jeanie Ward-WallerAdvocates for Safe Routes to School and active transportation have long recognized the health impacts of our transportation system. The transportation decisions we make – or worse, the opportunities many people lack because of barriers in the built environment – can have beneficial or detrimental effects on our health. During an inspiring week at the Pro Walk Pro Bike P

Striving for Safe Streets for Moms and Children

stephanieDuring the opening plenary session at ProWalk/ProBike in Long Beach, Suja Lowenthal, PhD, a council member from Long Beach, addressed the attendees. She’s a passionate advocate, sharing many ideals so many of us do, but I strongly agreed when she declared that our communities are not bike-friendly until mothers with children feel comfortable taking to the streets. That is such an impo