Who Says Rules Are Made To Be Broken?
Whoever says rules are made to be broken is not aware of this interesting fact: Safe Routes to School-related laws have been effective in reducing injuries and increasing walking and bicycling to school.
Whoever says rules are made to be broken is not aware of this interesting fact: Safe Routes to School-related laws have been effective in reducing injuries and increasing walking and bicycling to school.
May is National Bike Month, and May 9 marks the first ever official National Bike to School Day. Events celebrating bicycling and encouraging more ridership are taking place all throughout the country. The weather is warm, spring has sprung and
As I learn more about the communities in the Greater Washington, DC region, I am learning about the unique approaches and challenges to increasing walking and bicycling in each community. For example, some schools do not allow kids to walk or bicycle to school.
In the most recent application call, Arkansas received 36 applications requesting approximately $7 million dollars in projects. Because of the limited funds only 20 applications were selected with a budget of $1.5 million. As usual, the request for funding far outweighs what is available to applicants.
On April 18, we saw another unusual vote in Congress on the transportation bill. While current transportation spending is already extended until June 30, the House has just passed another extension (H.R. 4348) until September 30 on a vote of 293-127.