
Dozens of New Active Transportation Projects Funded

Earlier this year, the SB1 transportation bill included an extra $100 million each year for the Active Transportation Program. And those funds are already making their way to communities in need: 54 cities and counties have been newly funded. In this augmentation cycle, Caltrans reconsidered applications from the 2017 cycle, and were able to fund projects that scored a 79 or higher (the prior cut-off was 89).

SCAG Releases Call for Projects for Sustainability Planning Grants, Including Active Transportation Projects!

SCAG has announced a Call for Projects for its Sustainability Planning Grant program, and it includes funding from the region’s share of ATP Cycle 3 funds. As a result, eligible projects include active transportation plans, Safe Routes to School noninfrastructure programs and capacity building activities.

Plan Bay Area Update Advances as Advocates Weigh In

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) at a joint planning and administrative committee meeting advanced a preferred land use scenario toward the development of Plan Bay Area 2040. The Preferred Scenario represents a regional pattern of household and employment growth by the year 2040, and includes a corresponding transportation investment strategy.

Last Chance to Apply for Active Transportation Technical Assistance!

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership can assist your efforts to make your community a place where kids can easily be active and healthy. We are offering long-term, free technical assistance to disadvantaged communities in California that are working to obtain funding to support of walking, bicycling and Safe Routes to School. We are specifically interested in helping communities seeking funding from the State’s Active Transportation Program or other regional and state funding sources that fund Safe Routes to School projects, including both infrastructure and non-infrastructure activities.

Cap-and-Trade Program Update: AHSC Awards Announced; Guidelines for Many Cap-and-Trade Programs To Be Released This Fall

With this year’s cap-and-trade revenue budget (also known as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund or GGRF) finalized by the Governor’s signing of AB 1613, the agencies implementing the programs that receive this funding are busy promulgating guidelines for the next call for applications.

Cap-and-Trade Program Updates: AHSC, Urban Greening and Transformational Climate Communities Fund Active Transportation!

It’s been a busy fall for the agencies administering the grant programs funded through cap-and-trade (Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fundor GGRF for short). Awards have been announced for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program and Guidelines posted for the Urban Greening (UG) and Transformational Climate Communities (TCC) programs.

Revised Guidelines for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities Program Released

The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) has released revised guidelines for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities program in advance of a third round of funding expected this summer. The program funds grants for active transportation as part of larger affordable housing developments, transit-oriented developments and integrated connectivity projects.