carol gossThe Safe Routes Partnership is proud to announce Carol Goss as the new Chair of the Board of Directors. Carol steps up to assume the role of Board Chair after serving as a board member for five years and providing a strong force in leading and shaping the organization’s vision for equity and the work of the board.

As a retired foundation executive, Carol is active in the nonprofit community in Detroit leading work locally to support women and children. As Chair, Carol looks forward to continuing the work of the Safe Routes Partnership in Safe Routes to School, and also serving the broader active transportation movement with an increasing focus on equity and underinvested communities. 

Describing her vision for her role as Board Chair, Carol said: “We all want the best for our children. We want them to be healthy, well-educated, and happy. Children that are active including walking and biking to school tend to be healthier, do better academically and in general are well adjusted. I am pleased and honored to assume the role of Chair of the Board of Safe Routes to School, an organization whose mission is to promote walking and biking to school and to ensure that all children have access to safe pathways to school. Since joining this board in 2014, I have gained respect and regard for the organization’s leadership team and staff and their efforts to bring their expertise to communities and to their active transportation partners. I am excited about the opportunities available to us to include more children and communities in active transportation. I look forward to leading our strong board of directors and staff into the future to continue ensuring that all children have access to safe pathways to walk and bike to school."