SacramentoI’m pleased to share that the fourth Safe Routes to School National Conference will take place in Sacramento, California on August 13-15, 2013. The local host, Local Government Commission (LGC), was chosen through a very competitive application process. You can read the official press release here.

The Local Government Commission brings many valuable partners to the table that will build on the successes of past conferences and make this a worthwhile learning opportunity for all Safe Routes to School advocates.  Some of the main partners include the California Department of Public Health), the California Department of Transportation, the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, the Sacramento Area Council of Governments, Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates and WALKSacramento.

This quote from our director, Deb Hubsmith, sums it up quite nicely. “At this time, we need increased leadership for Safe Routes to School at national, state and local levels and this collaboration with the Local Government Commission and their partners will help us do just that. We urge agency staff, advocates, policy makers, school officials and everyone interested in the health and safety of our children to attend the Conference so that together we can chart our course for the future and take Safe Routes to School and our thriving movement to the next level. Mark your calendar!”

I think I’m most looking forward to authentic youth engagement at the 2013 Conference. LGC and their partners had some really fun and insightful ways they were planning to bring youth into the mix that I can’t wait to see firsthand. The Sacramento region is home to innovative Safe Routes programs and land use and transportation policies ranging from the SACOG regional Blueprint Project, to numerous jurisdictions that have adopted and are implementing Complete Streets policies, to cities like Davis that envisioned an extensive trail system in the early 1970s that allows children to access schools safely by cycling or walking.

I’ll share more in the coming months about registration, program and speaker highlights and more. So I echo Deb – mark your calendars and plan to join us in Sacramento. You won’t want to miss this Conference! You can sign up for more info today at