Highlights from the Safe Routes to School National Conference

The Safe Routes to School National Conference ended on a high note after two days of networking and learning with more than 500 champions for walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School. We left Columbus with an abundance of new energy, ideas, and information, with three highlights emerging as broad themes for the direction of our work.

1. Equity: The 6th E. Equity was the focus of many of the conference panel discussions andworkshops. In order to make walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School accessible to all kids and communities, we need to understand the different barriers and opportunities thataffect different groups, and craft our policies, programs, and overall approaches with those various challenges and needs in mind. 

2. Build New Partnerships. We heard success stories from programs and organizations all over the country that showcased the importance of strong partnerships with community groups working on social justice, health, environmental justice, housing, and community safety.

3. Share Resources. If you didn't get a chance to pick up fact sheets and reports from our booth, here is a list of the resources that were offered -- all available to download for free on our website.

Thank you to all who came and brought their diverse ideas, information, and inspiration to Columbus. We look forward to seeing you at the next conference!