
Safe Routes Partnership hosted a free training led by Place It! on how to creatively engage students, parents, staff, and teachers around Safe Routes to School.

This virtual workshop helped generate ideas and designs for improved routes to school that place an emphasis less on enforcement and more on visionary and inclusive design solutions.

Materials needed: Any small objects you like that are nearby or lying around the house that you can use for your models. Sky's the limit: houseplants, pens, shoes, candles, jewelry, books.

Some core workshop components include:

• Hands-on exercises to both help you generate your own creative ideas for
Safe Routes to School and to serve as a training so that you yourself can take these methods back and use them with students, parents, staff, and teachers to creatively engage them improving neighborhoods for students walking and rolling.

• An exploration of the psychology behind using one's hands and building solutions vs. simply talking about those solutions, and how these media influence outcomes.

• A look at how these workshop methods can help engage underrepresented communities and communities of color in Safe Routes to School.

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