Safe Routes Partnership E-News
Issue #187: October 2021

Safe Routes Partnership E-News is a monthly email newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

  1. Today’s Webinar: What’s the Status of Federal Funding for Safe Routes to School, Walking, and Bicycling?
  2. SAFE Routes Back 2 School Launch 4 Resources Available Now!
  3. Now Hiring: Technical Assistance Manager - California
  4. Webinar: Safe Routes Back to School 2021 Zoom Session
  5. How to Take on Harmful Jaywalking Laws
  6. From Crisis to Opportunity: Reforming Our Nation’s Policies to Help All Children Grow Up Healthy
  7. Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: More Important Than Ever

1. Today’s Webinar: What’s the Status of Federal Funding for Safe Routes to School, Walking, and Bicycling?

This webinar will recap where we are, how we got here, and where we hope to go by the end of October 31, 2021. It will also cover what the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill passed by the Senate portends for funding and policy for Safe Routes to School, walking, and bicycling and how programs, organizations, departments of transportation and health, and advocates can be ready if (when!) the bill becomes law. 

Want to register or can’t make it? Visit here to register or to catch the recap later.

2. SAFE Routes Back 2 School Launch 4 Resources Available Now!

Launch 4 Resources

  • Safe Routes Partnership Resource Library - Over the past year and a half, we have received various resources and tools from our greater Safe Routes to School community, including video links, toolkits, articles, and so much more. Submissions received through the Safe Routes to School Listserv and previous Covid-19 Resources Google sheet have now been added to our extensive resource library, which is both searchable and easy to use! The Safe Routes Partnership welcomes additional resources to share with our community. For future suggestions, we encourage you to submit a suggestion using this updated Google Form, or, if you have a more timely resource to share, please post it on the Safe Routes to School listserv so that it can be shared with our greater community in real-time. We will periodically curate and make updates to our online resource library accordingly.
  • Celebrating Walking, Rolling, and Safe Routes to Parks on International Walk to School Day: Ideas for Integrating Safe Routes to Parks into Walk to School Day Events - Walk to School Day is a fun way to encourage or re-energize children and families to regularly walk and roll to school. It can also be a unique opportunity to celebrate great parks and safe park access. This new fact sheet shares ideas for integrating Safe Routes to Parks elements into Walk to School Day – a win-win for Safe Routes to School and Safe Routes to Parks advocates. Parks advocates and Safe Routes to School practitioners alike can use this fact sheet for ideas on tying Safe Routes to Parks activities into their Walk to School Day events and keeping up the momentum beyond October.
  • Walking and Rolling to School Offer Real-Time Solutions to the Bus Driver Shortage, Rising Student Transportation Cost, Covid-19 Safety, and so Much More! - This spring, schools were finishing a year like no other. Students of all ages were eagerly awaiting summer, and everyone was looking for relief from the pandemic. At the same time, many Safe Routes to School practitioners, advocates, parents, and caregivers across the country were starting to think about the upcoming 2021-2022 school year.  The reopening of school campuses was likely to bring additional transportation challenges than before the pandemic with bus driver shortages likely, Covid-19 precautions necessary, and expenses on the rise.

Explore all the resources here. Share these resources and accompanying graphics by visiting the SAFE Routes Back 2 School promotional toolkit!

3. Now Hiring: Technical Assistance Manager - California

The Safe Routes Partnership is seeking an energetic and detail-oriented professional with strong active transportation technical assistance skills and a commitment to equity. The role is responsible for advancing the technical assistance and policy-related work of the Safe Routes Partnership in support of the Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes to Parks, active transportation, environmental justice, transportation equity, and healthy communities’ movements. Learn more about the position and apply by October 21!

4. Webinar: Safe Routes Back to School 2021 Zoom Session

School is back in session and we are still in the midst of COVID-19. While this might not be the Fall we planned for, we are doing our best to make things work. Join us for an informal Zoom session on Wednesday, November 17 from 3-4 pm ET to check in with other Safe Routes to School practitioners. Share your program successes, challenges, and ways that the Partnership can support your work going forward.

NOTE: There will not be formal presentations during this session. The bulk of the time will be reserved for connecting with others during breakout groups based on discussion topics. We will not be facilitating the discussion but we will provide guiding questions and are always available to help.  Register here.

 5. How to Take on Harmful Jaywalking Laws

Kansas City and Virginia recently decriminalized jaywalking and the California legislature right now is considering the same action. These decisions are driven by data and lived experiences that show BIPOC community members bear the burden of police enforcement at disproportionate rates, with the harm outweighing any alleged safety benefits. Join America Walks for a webinar, How to Take on Harmful Jaywalking Laws on Friday, October 15 from 11 am – 12 pm PT. Register here.

 6. From Crisis to Opportunity: Reforming Our Nation’s Policies to Help All Children Grow Up Healthy

New data released in the new State of Childhood Obesity report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, From Crisis to Opportunity: Reforming Our Nation’s Policies to Help All Children Grow Up Healthy, report shows that 1 in 6 young people has obesity. To find more on the latest state-by-state and national information, read the latest report:

 7. Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: More Important Than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to society - including limiting the opportunities children and adolescents have to be physically educated and active in schools, at home, and in communities. We have yet to understand the full impact of COVID-19 related school closures, cancellations of youth sports and other after-school and community-based physical activities on children and adolescents’ health. The Physical Activity Alliance is proud to release a series of papers, "Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: More Important Than Ever", with recommendations specific to each developmental level – elementary, middle school, and high school as well as sports across all developmental levels. Read the report here.