Safe Routes to School E-News
Issue #117: November 2015

Safe Routes to School E-News is a monthly email newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership (Safe Routes Partnership), which is leading the national movement for Safe Routes to School by coordinating and energizing more than 600 organizations, government agencies, schools and professional groups. Our mission is to advance safe walking and bicycling to and from schools, and in daily life, to improve the health and well-being of America’s children and to foster the creation of livable, sustainable communities.

The Safe Routes Partnership is on Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

To receive future issues of E-News, sign up here.

  1. The Rise of the Walking Movement
  2. Walk to School Day 2015 Highlights
  3. The Latest from Capitol Hill
  4. Register for our Next Webinar
  5. New Report Celebrates a Decade of Safe Routes to School's Success
  6. Now Hiring: Nutrition and Physical Activity Project Manager
  7. The 6 E's of Safe Routes to School: Embracing Equity
  8. Raise More Money for Your School With Active Schools Fundraising
  9. News from the Field
  10. Highlighted Blogs

1. The Rise of the Walking Movement

Last week, the 2015 Walking Summit brought more than 500 advocates, organizations, businesses and leaders together in Washington, DC to discuss and advance the walking movement. The Summit came on the heels of the national call to action on walking released by the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, in September. In this month’s #10YearsofSRTS blog post, we reflect on the rise of the walking movement and the role of our late founder, Deb Hubsmith, in speaking up for walking and walkability for all communities.

2. Walk to School Day 2015 Highlights

The numbers are in, and this year's Walk to School Day was one of the most successful yet. We're excited to share some of the highlights that parents and Walk to School Day organizers shared with us from around the country. From Minnesota to Missouri, California to Washington, check out some of thehighlights from this year’s event. 

3. The Latest from Capitol Hill
Speak Up to Protect Safe Routes Funding!

This week, the US House of Representatives is considering the transportation bill, the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform (STRR) Act. We faced the threat of three amendments that would have limited federal funding for Safe Routes to School, bicycling and walking. Thanks to the great response from supporters like you, none of the three amendments are going to be offered on the House floor for consideration. While it may seem a bit anti-climactic, it means that we are in a good position to achieve a strong outcome for the final transportation bill.

The underlying STRR bill is a workable compromise. While it moves the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) into the Surface Transportation Program and renames it to STP Setaside, it retains all the core elements of what make TAP work for Safe Routes to School, bicycling and walking projects. More details are in our federal policy blog. After the House completes its work this week, they must then negotiate with the Senate on a final bill. The clock is ticking—the current goal is to complete work by November 20, but it could slip into December.

4. Register for our Next Webinar: The Role of MPOs in Funding Safe Routes to School

Tuesday, December 8 from 1-2pm Eastern
Register here

In the last transportation bill, Congress combined the Safe Routes to School program with other bicycling and walking funding streams to create the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Congress also gave large metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) decision-making authority over which projects to fund in their regions.  In this webinar, hear from three MPO representatives about how they’ve used TAP funds to support a range of Safe Routes to School projects in their communities. MPO staff and advocates alike can learn how scoring criteria, carefully crafted applications and funding set asides can help ensure that Safe Routes to School remains strong under TAP. 

5. New Report Celebrates a Decade of Safe Routes to School's Success

A new report, Creating Healthier Generations: A Look at 10 Years of the Federal Safe Routes to School Programreleased by the National Center for Safe Routes to School examines the accomplishments of the federal Safe Routes to School Program over the past decade. This report highlights the program’s rich data and features stories of Safe Routes to School funded projects that show the accomplishments and change the program has had on communities nationwide. Data show the program improved safety and increased the number of students walking and biking to school. 

6. Now Hiring: Nutrition and Physical Activity Project Manager

Join the Safe Routes Partnership and use your professional talents and personal passion to advocate for healthy and equitable environments for all kids, a healthy food environment with safe walking and bicycling to and from schools, and the creation of livable, sustainable communities. The Nutrition and Physical Activity Project Manager’s primary responsibilities include overseeing the nutrition-related components of our work in support of healthy communities, and helping the Safe Routes Partnership understand and advocate around the intersection between healthy eating and active living. The Nutrition and Physical Activity Project Manager will play a key role in a national initiative bringing significant policy change at the state and regional level in support of healthier eating and more physical activity in our communities.  Click here for the full job description.

7. The 6 E's of Safe Routes to School: Embracing Equity

The Safe Routes to School movement has increasingly recognized that to successfully achieve core goals around increasing the number and safety of kids walking and bicycling to school, it is vital to direct resources and craft programs and policies in ways that address the needs of low-income kids and kids of color. That's why it’s been a welcome development over the past several years to see equity becoming an increasingly established part of the framework, leading many programs to add a 6th E – education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, evaluation, and equity. Read more on our blog.

8. Raise More Money for Your School With Active Schools Fundraising

Looking for a healthy fundraising option for your next school fundraiser? Be sure to check out Active Schools Fundraising. Active Schools Fundraising offers a healthy online fundraising platform with no startup fees or selection process. Schools keep 75 percent of the funds raised, with the remaining 25 percent benefiting national initiatives that work to increase physical activity opportunities for students. Learn more.

9. News from the Field
LA Metro Hosts Safe Routes to School Summits in October 

Throughout October, Safe Routes Partnership staff in Southern California helped Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) organize and host six separate summits. These summits were held to gather feedback from community stakeholders on the state of school and youth travel within LA County, identify resource and capacity needs and foster successful implementation and sustainable Safe Routes to School program growth. The expected outcomes from the summits include identifying activities, programs and responsibilities for a regional Safe Routes to School Program; match specific partner organizations with feasible and implementable activities and programs; identify strategies for implementation (both short and long-term) for inclusion in Metro’s Active Transportation Strategic Plan and identify strategies to increase competitiveness of LA County in future grant funding opportunities like the state’s Active Transportation Program (ATP). Read more.

10. Highlighted Blogs

Using Research to Make a Strong Case for Safe Routes to School (Christina Galardi)
Taking a Stand Against Street Harassment (Michelle Lieberman)