To date, Georgia Safe Routes to School has awarded 48 projects (totaling approximately $18.5 million). Some examples of the various types of infrastructure projects are installation of sidewalks, multi-use paths, crosswalks, raised crosswalks, multi-use paths, LED crossing signs, ADA ramps, bike lanes and bike racks. Georgia created a Safe Routes to School Resource Center to handle all of the non-infrastructure components.

Georgia recently passed a state Complete Streets Policy. Over the summer Governor Deal announced his statewide childhood obesity initiative called Georgia SHAPE. Georgia SHAPE is a network of partners, agencies and athletic teams—including the Atlanta Falcons and the Atlanta Braves, the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Georgia Department of Education—all committed to improving the health of Georgia’s young people by offering assistance and opportunity to achieve a greater level of overall fitness.

The Atlanta region is a part of the Safe Routes Partnership's regional network project efforts, with support from Kaiser Permanente. For more information on the Atlanta region and to get involved, click here.

For more information on the Georgia Safe Routes to School program, please contact Emmanuella Myrthil, SRTS coordinator, at 404-635-8033 or visit the program website.